The fall equinox will tap into your desire to conquer the world. Capricorn: Your Revving The Engine And Driving Toward Success Let the world change in order to make room for you. Don’t change yourself in order to fit in with the world. The fall equinox may feel like a jolt to the system, encouraging you to more fully embody your personality and embrace your innate authenticity. After all, this is also when the sun enters Libra, activating your first house of the self and reminding you who you are. The beginning of fall is a profound moment for you. Libra: You’re Stepping Into Bigger Shoes That Need To Be Filled After all, you do need to let your guard down first, but only with people you trust and in a place you know. Emotional energy may arise as sensitivities are pricked, bringing you back to a more vulnerable state of being. You may even feel the need to spend more time at home and reserve more energy for your family. Once the fall equinox takes place, you may feel a desire to return to something familiar. Cancer: Your Home Life Is Calling Your Name, So Answer It Let your relationships rise to the occasion. The autumn season will bring you closer to the right people, but it might also bring you further apart from those you don’t have enough in common with.

You may even start analyzing your relationships, defining where they’re going, how they’re functioning, and how you can improve them. You might notice that a relationship is becoming more significant around this fall equinox.

Shutterstock Aries: Your Relationships Are Blossoming And Blooming In Fresh Ways Here’s how cardinal signs will embrace it: It’s during fall that you reap what you’ve sown, admiring all your hard work. After a bountiful and abundant summer, you’ve created so much. It’s thanks to the motivating energy of cardinal signs that we can welcome a seasonal shift with open arms, ready to make the most of it.Īutumn is the season of harvest. In astrology, cardinal signs are the initiators, the forward-thinkers, the movers, and the pushers. And winter begins once the sun slides into Capricorn. The sun’s shift into Libra announces the commencement of fall. Summer starts once the sun enters Cancer. For example, spring always begins when the sun enters Aries. This is due to the fact that a new season begins whenever the sun enters a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) always feel these seasonal transitions the most. ET, the fall equinox is the moment that you close the chapter of summer and turn the page toward autumn. And if you’re one of the zodiac signs who will be affected by the fall equinox 2021 the most, then you’re in for quite a beautiful change. Suddenly, a pumpkin spice latte sounds like the answer to all your problems, because summer may be over, but a new season is just beginning. The air begins to chill, turning your cheeks a rosy pink and encouraging you to finally wear your favorite wool scarf. You see one orange leaf wilting and drifting to the ground, and then another, until you begin to feel them crunching beneath your boots wherever you walk. When autumn creeps up on you, it spreads throughout your heart.