5xx missiles buff to ceramic bloons and higher increases to +15 (instead of just moab class).

Metal Freeze upgrade replaced with Cold Snap ($350) – Allows Ice Monkey to freeze and pop lead and camo bloons.x5x moab eliminator moab bonus damage +100->+130.5xx glaive lord orbital glaives damage bonus to fortified bloons +2->+5.5xx Ultra Juggernaut price $15k->$13.5k.x5x Plasma Monkey Fan Club attack cooldown of monkeys 0.03->0.025.x4x Super Monkey Fan Club attack cooldown of monkeys 0.06->0.05.BAD base health reduced from 14k to 12.5k.Increased the rate at which MOAB class bloon health and speed increases from round 31 onwards.Round 31 – Removed regrow property from all bloons.Round 25 – Increased number of fortified lead bloons from 8 to 20 and the duration of the wave from 4 to 6.Round 24 – Increased number of camo regrow purple bloons from 30 to 60 and the number of fortified ceramic bloons from 3 to 6.Round 23 – Increased number of fortified ceramic bloons from 6 to 10.Round 22 – Replaced all zebra bloons with rainbow bloons.Round 21 – Removed regrow property from all bloons, increased number of rainbow bloons from 6 to 20 and number of camo rainbow bloons from 5 to 10.Round 19 – Increased number of ceramic bloons from 2 to 6, increased the duration of the wave by 2 seconds and moved it forward by 6 seconds.Round 17 – Increased number of rainbow bloons from 6 to 18.Round 16 – Increased number of purple bloons from 10 to 20.Round 15 – Replaced round entirely with one containing black, white and zebra bloons.Round 13 – Increased number of zebra bloons from 4 to 12 and moved them forward 2 seconds.Round 12 – Increased number of blue bloons from 20 to 60.Round 11 – Increased number of white bloons from 16 to 25.The map will still be usable in private games even if you are in those arenas. The “Docks” map will no longer appear in games that take place in ZOMG Superdome or Hall of Masters.You may still use any upgrades you have unlocked in private games no matter which arena you are in. To make matches fairer for new players, certain tiers of upgrades are now restricted in lower arenas.Win Streaks will give additional trophies up until you reach 85 trophies (previously 50).Tower Mastery and Hero Reward costs increased.The Hotkeys screen is now divided into categories for easier navigation.
Bloons TD Battles 2 Update 1.0.6 Patch Notes – February 2, 2022 Today’s Bloons TD Battles 2 update 1.0.6 will address a few of these issues.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are facing various bugs and gameplay changes.