
Tijuana zona norte
Tijuana zona norte

Coahuila Street, known locally as “la Coahuila”, located in the Zona Norte, has one of the world’s most dynamic sex markets. This article presents narrations and social dynamics of the red zone or the tolerance zone in Tijuana, Baja California, which has been, for seven decades, one of the most important enclaves for sex work in the Mexico-United States border. Campos (coord.), Colef/ ciesas (2014) the authored book Frontera Norte: escenarios de la diversidad religiosa, El Colef/Colmich (2013). Mirada a las fronteras desde América Latina, Alberto Hernández and Amalia E. Fronterización, securitización y procesos de cambio en las fronteras de México y Brasil (coordinator in press) Mudar de credo en contextos de movilidad: las interconexiones entre la migración y el cambio religioso, Alberto Hernández, Liliana Rivera Sánchez y Olga Odgers Ortiz (coord.) El Colef/Colmex (2017) Líneas, límites y colindancias. Among his publications are the books Puentes que unen y muros que separan. He was coordinator of the project Multilevel policies for the return and reintegration of Mexican migrants and their families (2018-2019), carried out by El Colef under the auspices of the National Human Rights Commission ( cndh). Professor-Researcher attached to the Department of Public Administration Studies ( deap) of El Colegio de la Frontera Norte and a member of the sni (level iii).

tijuana zona norte

in Sociology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Tijuana zona norte