Updated Buckets and Relics availability for masters in older adventures to match the most recent versions. Removed Combustion from High Five bucket. Fixed Frost Shock relic affecting the wrong units. Fixed Magnetic Bombs description not mentioning reduced damage against masters. Removed Crystal Sentry flavor text to make the actual description not get super tiny in formatting. Fixed Perk Timers malfunctioning in speed adjusted replays. Removed the indicator for more wildcards being available on card promotion. Fixed Netherstep and Combustion being able to invoke ability cards. Attempted another fix of the Border Patrol trigger indicator. Stopped Caber Tosser from throwing the log while frozen. Stopped Incubus from using netherstep while frozen. Fixed Bearvalanche animation occasionally being reversed. Finally Fixed the Mechapep visual glitch. Fixed Ritual of Servitude not summoning 6-mana cards. Fixed King Puff getting the same spell every time he picks up the spell gift puff. We feel this is significantly more interesting than taking a risk one time to get a cheaper version of another card, specifically since the card is always the same and knowable in advance. Overall meant to be a nerf, but also fundamentally changing the use case for the card. Summon a Living Statue with every play. Ideally we want people to be more aggressive in using this card. This reduction in distance makes it much harder to use the card to bypass a fight, meaning it retains mostly the use cases of repositioning within a fight or dodging spells. More outright value and changing the use case. If you have less health than your opponent, gain Rage. Mainly intended as a quality of life improvement.
Increase pick-up range of puffs slightly.When Royal Gifts is triggered, place only one gift in a random unoccupied lane.The deck building incentives for making cheap decks are less pronounced with Diona than with Apep, but we still don’t think it’s healthy for masters to so directly incentivize a specific type of deckbuilding in this way. Bear Traps no longer have Stealth (remains untargetable).Perk 3: Add a trap card to your deck > Add a trap card to the top of your deck every 25 sec.Perk 1: Add a trap card to your deck > Add a trap card to the top of your deck every 25 sec.Because of system limitations the card isn’t truly random, but pseudo-random.
It also allows us to normalize the outcomes of the perks by changing which card you get every time.
#Minion masters news free#
The main reason for doing this is to allow deck building with Apep that doesn’t focus so heavily on trying to get as much as possible out of the free cards by building very cheap decks.
Basic Attack no longer gets a speed bonus from having 5+ mana cards in hand. Perk 3: Add a random free 4 mana card to your deck > Add a random free one-use 4 mana card to the top of your deck every 25 sec. Perk 1: Add a random free 2 mana card to your deck > Add a random free one-use 2 mana card to the top of your deck every 25 sec. The intent is to make it more interesting to build a deck around Tombstone by making deck building less restricted. Stunning the Tombstone disables the Tombstone and restarts the activation delay.Įssentially this means Tombstone is now using its own health as a resource for resurrecting units and allows it to resurrect multiple times. Perk 3: Tombstone health becomes 1500. Resurrects with health equal to twice the amount of health lost by the Tombstone. The Minion resurrected by Tombstone deals damage to Tombstone equal to half its max health.
Effectively putting the Tombstone on cooldown. This will no longer destroy the Tombstone but will instead restart the activation delay. When ready the Tombstone will resurrect the next unit that dies.Tombstone is no longer added to the deck but on a 25sec cooldown timer that starts when the Tombstone dies.